15 July 2017

I obey, Lord


اِنَّ صَلاَتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي ِﷲِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

Image result for al baqarah 216
Im planning, You are planning too. But you are planning with love and You knew everything beyond future while Im not. totally not. WaAllahu ya'lamu waantum la ta'lamu. Dear Allah, if I asked something that is not good for me and not belongs to me, replace it with something better than what I've been asked. Strengthen my faith so that I won't blame You if anything beyond my expectation happen to me. Remind me that my life is Yours. You have Your right to conquer it. I have to follow Your rules. I have to hold on to You. I have to keep my iman straight.

Only You knew what is the best for me and my future. I lend my everything on You. Surely, my prayers, my sacrifices, my life and my death are for You.

I asked You even though I already knew in the end, You will decide what is the best for me and I have no power to change it. But that is because I only have You to share my stories, my prayers, my tears and my everything. Because I know You will always be with me. Closer than my pulses. Closer than my heartbeats. O lord, I know I made lot of mistakes. I did sins. Im a sinner. But please Im begging, do not deny my prayers because of the mistakes that I have made. There is no god but You. The most gracious the most merciful. If not on You, on whom else should I ask?

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O lord, please make things easier for us and do not make things difficult for us. Ease our way if we are doing good deeds and end it with goodness. Do not make barriers for us that can make us give up on Your path. Let not our hearts deviate from your path after You have guided us. 

O Lord, let us meet good people that can bring us closer to You. Keep us away from people who do not really care about us. Keep us away from people who thought that we are not important in their life and please keep us away from people who will surely take us for granted. Fill our hearts with patience, kindness and strength.

O Allah, I've been waiting for so long and I didn't put a single blame on anyone. If keep waiting is the best for me, make me believe that this is my destiny. and if what You have planned was the other way around, make things easy for us. WaAllahi, my intention is only for You.

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Dear god, keep sadness and madness away from us. and keep patience and happiness closer to us. Dear god, hear our prayers, put them at ease and make them come true. aamiinn. Dear lord, whatever things that You are already set for me, surely I will obey.


Anonymous said...

اللهم رحمتك أرجو فلا تكلني نفسي طرفة عين
وأصلح لي شأني كله لا اله إلا أنت.

allahumma rahmataka arju fala takilni nafsi thorfata 'aini wa ashlihni syakni kullah, la ilaha illa anta.

wahai tuhanku, aku mengharap rahmatMu. Janganlah Kau serahkan (utusan) diriku kepadaku walau sekilas pandang dan elokkanlah segala keadaanku. Tiada tuhan melainkan Kau.

Doa ini melemahkan kita sekaligus menafsirkan sifat RabbNya. Iaitu Dialah yang mentadbir, mengurus dan mengatur segala urusan. Baik dari segala pentadbiran, urusan jual beli, perkahwinan, adab pergaulan orang muda dengan oran tua atau sebaliknya. dari sebesar-besar perkara hinggalah seremeh-remahnya. Dia minta kita bergantung kepadaNya walaupun sekadar makan minum, penjagaan dan kebersihan diri, buang air dan berbagai lagi.

kalaulah Dia biarkan kita uruskan hal kita sendiri ataupun dunia ini dikuasai oleh tangan kita walau sekejap, kita akan lihat kesannya yang dahsyat sekali. Namun ia tidak pernah berlaku walaupun sekali. betapa Dia sayangnya kepada kita. Dan Dia tidak berkira, dia beri kepada semua orang tidak kira muslim atau non muslim. Nah, Inilah sifat RahmanNya.

Bukankah kita diminta untuk meminta dalam setiap solat kita RahmanNya dan RahimNya?
apakah beza di antara kedua-duanya? bukankah sama? kasih dan sayang?

benar, memanglah sama. Tapi sifat
Rahman ini hanyalah di dunia dan untuk semua. Dan sifat Rahim pula ialah suatu yang istimewa, hanya dapat dirasai di akhirat kelak dan untuk orang tertentu sahaja iaitu muslim. bertuahlah kita.

Tapi mengapa kita masih tidak sedar, kita sering membelakangiNya? kita angkuh, kononnya kita mampu mengurus diri sendiri. sedarlah yang kita ini lemah. serahlah dirimu kepada tuhanMu. Istighfarlah, carilah dan usahalah sebaik mungkin.

Nurul Azwa said...

Terima kasih ayah :*